Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Back at work today after a full 6 days off (4 days plus weekend). The fact that I absolutely dreaded the thought of coming back here for 2 entire days is making me think that maybe I should be doing something else with my life. It's okay though, in a couple of days I'll be back to normal, still not entirely excited about coming into work, but not hating it as much as I do at this moment.

So how exactly does one determine what they should really be doing with their life? I would love to have a job that I love! What does that look like? My favorite people in the world are those that so obviously love what they do. The smiles on their faces, the look in their eyse, the glow that they have, it just makes me hate them. Kidding! It makes me envy them. Why can't I have that? How do I get that? Where do I start to even look for that?

One day I WILL have that! Must think positively!

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