Monday, April 18, 2011

As much as I'd like to blame this building (work) for my daily sleepiness, it may be time to admit that some major life changes need to be made.

#1 - Eating better. I suppose this needs to be defined a bit more in order to follow implement it so how about Eat Fruit. Let's start with one serving of fruit every day. This is pretty big since I really don't like fruit all that much, I'm very picky, and I absolutely dread the thought of eating fruit at any given time. But I think I can handle eating one piece/serving per day. I know I feel better when I do this so let's try making it a habit.

#2 - Exercise. Again, needs defined so let's say 15 minutes of aerobic exercise every day. One would think this shouldn't be all that difficult, but I am lacking motivation most of the time. I have this or that to do first, and then once I sit my lazy butt on the couch it's over. I would rather do anything than get up and move. I do have 3 dogs that need to get out and walk though, and it would be nice for them if I actually followed through once in awhile.

I better stop before I overwhelm myself. We'll see how it goes.

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